Archive for August, 2011

When you think “what I do doesn’t hurt anybody else” is true, how sure can you really be? How far are you really capable of ensuring this in the future?

The audio is an extract taken from “Mere Christianity”, probably the most famous book by C.S. Lewis.

Loving vs. “being in love”. Can you keep the “glamour” in your marriage? If not, why not?

Male leadership in marriage. Why does a marriage need ‘veto power’ in either the man or the woman? Why need it at all? Permanence of marriage has something to do with it…

Patriarchy outdated? Some interesting & unexpected comments on this topic in the documentary Demographic Winter. Trailer here.

Also, should the world be expected to live up to the demands of biblical marriage? No.

The audio is an extract taken from “Mere Christianity”, probably the most famous book by C.S. Lewis.

“…a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Gen 2:24

No wonder divorce should be considered more as an ’emergency absolute last resort surgery’ than dissolving of a business partnership or social arrangement.

The audio is an extract taken from “Mere Christianity”, probably the most famous book by C.S. Lewis.

There is a perfect example of how to “love the sinner and not the sin”. You may never guess where to find it, but if you thought it is impossible, listen below…

An extract taken from “Mere Christianity”, by CS Lewis. A book I cannot recommend wholeheartedly, but which surely contains some good wisdom.

Even liberal parents now starting to ask for the right to disciple their kids – like it used to be done.

Check out – The Briefing. Listen to full audio here.

Should we not mess with “holy science”? Should we just believe the earth is billions of years old and that “man-made global warming cause climate change”? Refer to the climategate scandal (among other things) in case you are not one of the growing number of sceptics on man-made-global warming. People that tell us the Bible is a piece of fiction and folklore also tell us that it’s good to be sceptical … *except* when you want to ‘blaspheme’ their God, called SCIENCE. Apparently this ‘god’ knows all truth & what cannot be revealed by ‘it’ cannot be known – just ask Sam Harris, he thinks so too (referring to his latest book at the time of this writing).

Well, Sam Harris & Richard Dawkins think they are very clever, but Dr Jonathan Sarfati can play blindfolded chess against both of them and 10 other people as well … simultaneously. Really. He also has a doctorate, like them, but he and his equally educated friends think that the earth is only a few thousand years old … like the Bible seems to indicate through the most plain sense of the text.

Listen to this to see if you really have reason to disagree.

Also interesting that in 2006, evolutionist administrators at Wikipedia attempted to turn the Wikipedia page about Sarfati into an attack piece. This went so far as to go to Wikipedia’s Arbitration Committee.[7] After the evolutionists were not allowed to have their way, they twice tried to get the article deleted.[8][9]

Check out Line of Fire Radio. Listen to full audio here.

Note what the waters represented in ancient Canaan culture & what it would have meant to the Canaanites (for example) for God to set the limits of the waters & it to be bound to obey God’s Word.

Check out Line of Fire Radio. Listen to full audio here.

Jeremiah 31.

Transferred blessings & promises to the church? … and the curses remained with the Jewish people? Think again.

Check out Line of Fire Radio. Listen to full audio here.

There are quite a few studies that have found this to be the case, but it doesn’t matter. “Science” only matters when the conclusions are politically correct & expedient for the powers that be.

Check out Line of Fire Radio. Listen to full audio here.

How this is motivated by the activists for this indoctrination. Be aware. Resist it.

Check out Line of Fire Radio. Listen to full audio here.